Skeleton Flowers
The skeleton flower is usually white, but when it rains, the petals become transparent. Original acrylic on canvas board, 6"w x 8"h. Ask about commissions!
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Alana Dill likes to paint people on things, & to paint images on people. She worked for 17 years as a professional body artist & face painter. The Covid19 pandemic has required a somewhat less event-oriented medium. It is a challenge to let go of the ephemeral nature of body art, albeit with the understanding that nothing's really permanent, is it? Alana creates illustrations, portraits, weird doodles, cartoons, costume designs, & more in acrylic, gouache, watercolor, pen/ink, pencil, as well as sculptural and digital media. Find Alana as @alanapaints on Twitter and Instagram. Ask about commissions!
Shop InfoMy visual art can be purchased as an original, or as a giclee. Please inquire to make arrangements. Get 'em while they're fresh!
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